The First Five

Northern Cardinal, Northern Mockingbird, American Goldfinch, Brown Pelican and the Baltimore Oriole

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If we haven’t met I’m Hannah and I’m a watercolor artist living in Columbus, Ohio. I’m painting every bird in North America. While on this journey I’m learning all kinds of info about these amazing creatures and I need a place to share it, enter the bird blog.


The cardinal is likely my most painted bird. Until my most rendition for the state bird portion of my painting project to watercolor every single bird on the continent of North America I had been woefully unhappy with the previous depictions. This guy feels correct, hopefully this will be the last time I formally paint a Northern Cardinal. 

Reining champion when it comes state birds representing North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana a comical lack of originality but who can blame them the Cardinal is an absolute Queen. One of my favorite things about the Northern cardinal is how many times he’s depicted with other males on home decor. Nary a female in sight even when he’s pictured on a Valentine’s Day card. I protested this choice by painting a pair of lesbian cardinals for a friend once. Come to think of it maybe I’ve just thought of my next pride collection…

Found throughout eastern and central North America. Male northern cardinals are known for their bright red plumage and distinctive crest on their heads. The female northern cardinal has a more subdued appearance, with reddish-brown feathers and a crest that is less prominent than the male’s. Often overlooked for their “muted” color scheme I personally find the pattern of the female cardinal to be far more interesting than the male. Northern cardinals are often found in wooded areas, suburban gardens, and parks. They are omnivorous and feed on a variety of seeds, fruits, insects, and small vertebrates.


Growing up I had a comical number of encounters with the Northern Mockingbird. There were trees that dotted the path between my parent’s house and my aunt’s & Uncles. The trees were absolutely littered with mockingbirds. They would dive aggressively at anyone who dared to walk the path. I used to watch my cat lay and wait trying to catch one when they would dive at him. He never managed to catch one they were far too skilled at flying just close enough to be wildly irritating.  

The northern mockingbird is a medium-sized songbird found all over the continent of North America. They are known for their comical ability to mimic the songs and calls of other bird species, as well as sounds from other sources, such as car alarms and cell phone ringtones. Decorated with a grayish-brown plumage, a long tail, and a distinctive white patch on its wings that is visible in flight. They are often found in open habitats such as suburban areas, parks, and gardens, where they feed on a variety of insects, fruits, and seeds. Northern mockingbirds are highly territorial and will aggressively defend their breeding territories, attacking anyone (even humans) who dare to enter their territory.


The American goldfinch is a small songbird found throughout North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico. They are known for their bright yellow plumage and black and white wings, which make them a favorite among birdwatchers. American goldfinches are often found in open fields, meadows, and gardens, where they feed on a variety of seeds, including thistle, sunflower, and dandelion. They are one of the latest breeding birds in North America, with nesting activity peaking in July and August. American goldfinches undergo a complete molt each year, with males losing their bright yellow feathers in the fall and regaining them in the spring.


The brown pelican is a large water bird found along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts of the Americas. They are known for their distinctive long bill with a stretchy throat pouch, which they use to scoop up fish from the water. Brown pelicans have a dark brown plumage with white head and neck feathers, and their wingspan can reach up to 7 feet. They are the only pelican species that can plunge-dive into the water from heights of up to 60 feet to catch their prey. Brown pelicans were severely threatened by the pesticide DDT in the mid-20th century, which caused their eggs to have thin shells and break easily. However, conservation efforts have helped to bring their populations back to healthy levels.


I’ve always been a little obsessed with the Baltimore Oriole. I mean come on, the color scheme is one giant spooky season salute. My most adored time of the year. 

A brightly colored songbird found in eastern and central North America. They are known for their vibrant orange plumage and black wings, and the male has a distinctive black and orange pattern. Baltimore orioles are migratory birds, spending their breeding season in the eastern United States and Canada and wintering in Central America and northern South America. They are primarily insectivorous, but also feed on nectar and fruits, especially during migration. Baltimore orioles are known for their intricate hanging basket nests, which they weave from plant fibers and grasses, and suspend from the outer branches of trees.

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Warbler, Waxwings and Allen oh my…